Collective selling of GAP sesame
With the aim of enabling to export GAP certified products, sesame collective selling event was organized on 9th January 2021 as a first day in Ingyin Pin village, Wet Let Township in Sagaing Region. On that day, 997 GAP sesame baskets of 42 farmers earning in excess of 6,000 MMKs the market price per basket were sold transparently to export companies – Shwe Taw Win Co. Ltd, Shwe Hwar Way Co. Ltd, and Tat Nay Min Co Ltd. NAG’s RRLP project team and Wet let Township Farmers Development Association (TFDA), Department of Agriculture (DoA), and Myint Myat Taw Win Co. Ltd (Magway) cooperated for that accomplishment.
Regional Hluttaw Representative from Wetlet Township, DoA staff officer and chairman of Sagaing Region Farmers’ Union attended event of the Collective selling of GAP sesame. The event was planned to be successively held for five days from 9th January 2021 through 13th January 2021 in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports (MoHS).

Daily Purchase Prices for GAP Sesame
NAG has implemented the “Regional Resilient Livelihood Project (RRLP)” in It is being implemented in 20 villages of Myaung Township and Wetlet Township of Sagaing Region. DCA/NCA has been main donor providing the financing for the projects implemented in Magway and Sagaing Regions. Previously NAG successfully implemented an innovative project called “Innovative Model of Food Security Governance (IMRFSG)” project from May 2017 to December 2019 in Magway Region.