NAG’s COVID-19 Responsive Program
To achieve objective 1, with the lead of NAG HQ, CSOVID‐19
application was developed and it has been now applied at project
targeted zones. The key concept of Application is to deliver simple
message and user friendly while at the same time data from user is
tracked and centralized in the server system. The App includes user
registration, dash board of COVID‐19 daily update, key guidelines for
CSOs, CSO’s reported case (suspect, referral, treated and death) and
gender aggregation of COVID‐19 outbreak. Through echoing a local
community’s response, the information is more trust‐ worthy,
transparent and timely for the COVID‐19 outbreak. Currently, total
1,126 people from 11 State/ Region throughout Myanmar had
Related Resources
With over 400 NAG family members, staff from different geographical areas around Myanmar in 13 regions and state, NAG is working with National and international partners and networks for sustainable development of peaceful and prosperous society.
No.51, Shukhinthar Street, Rose Garden, Ward-27, North Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Phone: (+95) 9 45069 4361~65